Stone Catalogue
Welcome to the Stonepath stone catalogue -- these are the hearts of our products and the starting point for your custom creation. We offer a wide variety of stones, each coming with a unique set of healing traits. You can mix and match stones any way you want, going by colour or by the traits you are seeking to enhance.
Our ordering menus list popular choices for both the brow band, collar and leash lines, but that doesn't mean you can't choose one from the catalogue, either as your primary stone or a secondary/complimentary one for your item. If you want to select from 'off the menu', send in an email to with the subject line CUSTOM STONE INQUIRY and we'll get back to you with the anticipated cost that stone will be. Please note that any item's price will be determined by the most expensive stone used in the layout.
As always, Tracey and Matt are available to answer your questions about any of the stones we offer & our products in general. If you have a particular stone in mind that you don't see listed in our catalogue, please feel free to contact us and inquire about the possibility of our finding it for you. Please note that all standard custom orders take approximately 4-6 weeks for completion & shipping -- specialty orders could take more time, depending on availability of stones.
** stones pictured here have been professionally photographed and do not necessarily represent the exact likeness of the stones we will find for use in all Stonepath products.